
Sunday 19 May 2013

Dip n Dip @ Bangsar

Salam dear,

dip n dip.. pernah dengar?

actually, sy pun first time dgr ttg dip n dip nie.. sbb ada member yg nak sgt makan.. hehe.. ikut kan je.. sbb die mengandung!!

tp serious, mmg sedap..kat mana?

kat bangsar je..

tapi hari tu g sini..mmg xde parking.. so parking ler depan tepi jalan... but unfortunately.. nasib mmg x kena sama dbkl..

anyway, back to the topic, actually dip n dip ni bagi mereka yang tak pernah ke sini, merupakan coffee house yg berikan rasa cokelat yg sgt sedap ( bg penggemar cokelat) better g sini.. x rugi..

so for first time g sana.. tak tau nak makan ape..just amik fondant je .. ingatkan fondant tu mcm yg dekat kek tu.. rupanya ala ala souffle..

and yg plak my friends try.. tripple choclate crepe

how's cool is that?

mmg best.. n chocolate sgt tasty..eventhough we're only eat chocolate, but still kenyang..( everyone knows right?)

ok sesape yg nak try.. so leh g ke alamat ni..

    Jalan Telawi, Bangsar,
    59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. map it
    Phone: 60322015052

ok..see u then..

" when the button on tab" everything can be reveal!!

PoWeR BanK

hye dear, kite cerita about power bank... Actually, sy dpt tau pun from my colleague about this power bank.. hari tu shasha pakai P.B ni tanye untuk ape..die kate it's a charger. so  x perlu susah suah kalau kita mmg betul2 important to use our table or phone, tp at that time bateri "kong" die suggest guna power bank.

so, 22/3/2013 hari tu try g cari (psst dpt gaji on that day). First thing g cari kat Berjaya Times Square.. mesti tertanya kan kenapa x g cari kat Low Yat?

Actually, i hv bad experience with this Low Yat because pernah tipu sbb beli hp blackberry...nevermind, cite lama.. so on that date, sy g Berjaya Times Square (BTS) and terus ke RADIOSHACK..Saje jenjalan, then i capture one power bank ni.. look nice.. dengan ilmu pun x seberapa, so terus tanye that salesperson, how much is this? mula2 nak amik yg sikit je power die around 3000mah.. but after he explain with his selling skill terjebak gak beli 6000mah dengan harga RM229.00

yes, nampak cantikkan.. siap ade pouch sebenarnya mahal babe... serious.. so be extra careful k..

penggunaan die stakat hari quite 3 kali charge je lah..x lebih..takde lah baru 2 months guna.mmg betul2 membantu kalau kita g travel ke, meeting ke..

tp on 16th May hari tu, ada meeting , terlupa nak charge this power bank n baterri pun out, tanya my friend Zamri ada power bank tak..then die kate takde tp hari ni nak beli..then tanye die.. " ko nak beli yg berapa punye?"..

die introduce kat sy , 30000mah with RM95 only..(wow!!! is that amazing?) murah kan? beli online je..then sy pun malam tu search @ to know more about this P.B.. boleh pilih antara white or black colour.

so guest what? sy beli lagi..

takpe..yg lama..might be jual.. so tunggu je lah mcm mana PB ni.. x dpt lagi..

hehe.. anyway, if u're really looking for this PB u can google it GDEAL.. hopefully dpt membantu so takdelah kita menyesal kalau tersalah beli ..

ok, " when the button on tab" everything can be reveal!!